The Internet medical market warfare escalated, how should the micro-medical go in changing way?

  Yi Zhongtian once said: "We can offend all, but not the doctor." Although this sentence is with a certain joke, it expressed that not only the doctors are important; it also emphasized the importance of medical care. In this world, as long as it is a living thing, there is a need for a doctor, so can be seen that the medical market is vast.

  Living life more or less will be linked to medical care, and the population base is gradually growing, this brings more development possibilities for the medical market. According to the world demographic data, the total population of the world has exceeded 7.4 billion when we just entered 2018, an increase of 78.52 million compared with last year. China still is the most populous country in the world, with 1.405 billion population, it is 18.82% of the world's. It can be said that the medical market is a kind of existence that will not be eliminated and the scale will be continued to expand.

  Based on this, many companies and capital have entered the medical market, want a piece of the action. Giants except BATJ in various fields have begun to layout the medical field even the e-commerce giant Amazon. But now, the medical market has basically been set, the market has become saturated, and the medical market is basically controlled by the industry giants. Under this circumstance, it is not to say whether Amazon still has the opportunity to seize the market, even the micro-medicines who are in Internet medical market  eight years have to be careful.